Diseases and Pests

Diseases And Pests
Spray cherry

In 2022, I started researching the necessary spraying program to ensure the long and healthy life and abundant fruit production of my cherry trees in my cherry orchard in Manisa Turgutlu. In this article, I would like to share this program and additional information with you.

Common Diseases and Pests in Cherry Trees

Cherry trees are known for their delicate nature, making disease prevention crucial. The most common cherry tree diseases and pests are:

  • Leaf Spot: Causes holes and brown spots on leaves.
  • Bacterial Canker: Causes cracks and oozing on the bark.
  • Cherry Fruit Fly: Causes maggots in fruits.
  • Monilia Disease: Causes fruits to rot and develop mold.
  • June Beetle: Bores into tree trunks and branches.

Spraying Program in Cherry Orchard

The spraying program in cherry orchards may vary depending on the region’s climate, tree variety, and disease risk. In general, the following program can be applied:


  • Prune the trees after leaf fall.
  • Apply the first spraying with 3% Bordeaux mixture in November.


  • Apply the second spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture before flower buds open.
  • Apply the first spraying against MONILIA disease when cherry blossoms are 5-10% open.
  • Apply the second spraying against MONILIA disease when cherry blossoms are 70-90% open.


  • Apply the final spraying to protect against red spider mites and cherry fruit fly in late May when the fruits start to color.

Choice of Spraying Agent

When spraying, be sure to use registered and Ministry of Agriculture-approved pesticides. It is also important to use different pesticides for different diseases and pests. It is also important to consult your local agricultural office and agricultural engineers for pesticide selection and application doses.


  • Check the weather conditions before spraying and avoid spraying in windy conditions.
  • Wear the necessary protective equipment when spraying.
  • Do not dispose of empty spray containers in the soil and do not harm the environment.

Natural Control Methods

In addition to chemical pesticides, you can also protect your cherry trees from diseases and pests using natural control methods. Some of these are:

  • Encourage beneficial insects: Beneficial insects such as ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory mites can help control the natural population of insects that harm cherry trees.
  • Keep your garden clean: Collect fallen leaves and pruning waste to eliminate the habitats of disease-causing agents and pests.
  • Careful pruning: Prune diseased and damaged branches to prevent the spread of diseases.


If you want your cherry trees to live a long and healthy life and produce an abundance of fruit, it is very important to apply a timely and correct spraying program. You can also minimize the use of chemical pesticides by using natural control methods.

Remember, the information in this blog post is for general informational purposes only. Consult your local agricultural office and agricultural engineer before spraying

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