This guide will show you a simple way to calculate the materials needed for your drip irrigation system. While online calculators can be helpful, doing it yourself offers more control and flexibility.

Drip Irrigation System
Conventional sprinkler irrigation at Leafy by U.S. Department of Agriculture is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

The process involves five steps:

Step 1:Determine Your Fruit Trees’ Water Needs:

  • Each plant has different water needs. Climate and soil structure affect this requirement.
  • Learn the annual rainfall amount for your region from meteorological sources.
  • Subtract the annual rainfall amount from your plants’ total water requirement. The remaining amount indicates the water you will provide through drip irrigation.

Table: Sample Calculation for Manisa Turgutlu Cherry Tree:

Kiraz Su Ihtiyaci
How To Calculation Drip Irrigation System: Online Calculater In 5 Steps 11

Tree Water Requirement Calculation

Step 2: Pump Selection Based on Total Water Requirement

  • After determining the total water requirement of the plants in your garden, select an irrigation pump.
  • It is important to choose a pump with sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the plants.
  • When selecting a pump, also consider factors such as the length of the irrigation line, elevation differences, and pressure requirements.
Image 20
How To Calculation Drip Irrigation System: Online Calculater In 5 Steps 12

Submersible Pump Pressure Loss Calculation

Step 3: Pipe Layout and Pipe Diameter Calculation

  • Plan the appropriate pipe layout for watering the trees in your garden. This will depend on your irrigation area and the placement of the trees.
  • Determine the pipe diameter. The pipe diameter is the inner diameter of the pipes that will carry water from the pump to the plants. Factors such as water flow rate and pressure loss are important in determining the pipe diameter.
  • <
    li class="has-medium-font-size">Plan the optimal layout of the irrigation line. Identify the locations where the pipes will most effectively deliver water to the trees.

Pipe Pressure Loss Calculator

Boru Capi
Pressure Loss Calculation Table
Damlama Yerlesim
The Placement Of Pipes In The Project Covers An Area Of ​​20,000 Square Meters.

Step 4: Material Selection

  • Choose appropriate materials for the irrigation system. Durable and sun-resistant materials should be preferred.
  • Select all components that will make up the irrigation system, including pipes, fittings, valves, and filters.
  • >
    Damlama Malzemeleri
    Material Selection

    Step 5: Drip Irrigation Equipment and Pipe Installation

    • Using the materials you have selected, assemble your irrigation system. Lay out the pipes, connect the pump, and link all components together.
    • Sulama sisteminin düzgün çalıştığından emin olmak için sistemi test edin. Tüm boru bağlantılarını ve pompa performansını kontrol edin.

    Additional Tips:

    These calculators provide a starting point. Consulting a local nursery or irrigation expert for personalized recommendations based on your region and plant varieties would be wise.

    p class="has-medium-font-size">Pay attention to the pressure requirements of your drip irrigation system components and ensure that your water pressure is compatible.

    Consider factors such as exposure to sunlight and wind when designing your layout.

    By incorporating these online tools and adhering to these guidelines, you can create a drip irrigation system that effectively nourishes your plants and promotes their growth. For precise and comprehensive calculations, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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